2022 SPAAMFAA Winter Convention
Florida Antique Bucket Brigade hosted the 2022
SPAAMFAA National winter convention in Kissimmee the week of Feb
23-26th. We had a great turnout of guests, vendors, and
apparatus for our show. The weather was great which all our friends
from up north appreciated.
We had about 240 guests registered: 29 vendors
inside and outside and about 35 pieces for our show on Saturday.
Pictured is the 1893 Holloway Hose Carriage from Frederick, Maryland
which won Best of Show. George Mills from
Raleigh, NC and a member of the ODHFS in Virginia took home the
award for Best Appearing American La France. The
longest distance for a piece trailered was from Metamora, Michigan
and longest distance driven was from Tom Hooker from Marshville, NC
Great tours were enjoyed by a lot of our guests
which were to the Tampa FD and Hillsborough FR; Lake Ridge Winery;
Cape Canaveral FD Training site and to the Daytona 500 Experience.
Speakers for the convention were Doug Klink; Bernie Punte;
Tommy Herman; Bill Blunden and Ted Elder.
We would like to thank all of the guests,
vendors and apparatus owners that visited with us that last week in
February and hope to see many of you in Woburn, Mass for the Summer
convention meeting, being held June 22-25th, 2022.