2024 SPAAMFAA Summer Convention- York, PA
FABB Delegation to the Convention - Two friends of the
Borwegen's, Dee & Bo Borwegen, Jim Slowiak, Sandi and
Larry Rovak, Beverly and Pete Winters, Bob Romig,
Michelle and Wayne Middleton, Debbie and Jim Van Druen,
Lester Evans, Mark (co-pilot for Lester), Howard
Peiffer , Friend of Howard's
Professional Car Society
Bickle Pumper - Owned by Chris Oliphant, Washington DC
FABB member Steve Austin from Delaware - Fire Police unit
Gettysburg Steamer
Lester Evans - Vendor
Jim Slowiak, vendor with Bob Romig
1921 Reo pumper owned by Bill Blunden, NY - Exec Secretary SPAAMFAA
FABB member Wayne Middleton did a little hunting while in York, Pa
Frederick Maryland Hose Carrige - Best of Show in FL in 2022
Yard Art